All Blog Posts

July 16, 2020

Law firm websites serving up foreign porn….

So as expected from the flagrantly clickbaity title, there's little redeemable content in what follows.  You should probably stop reading now, but you won't because…

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Typing on computer
July 15, 2020

The Case for Cloudflare

At Mockingbird we are always searching for and adopting tools that provide our clients with the best service possible. One of the tools that we…

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July 10, 2020

Voice Search Popularity Slowing Down

The past 10 years have seen constant chatter about voice search in the SEO world and beyond. What impact, if any, will the near ubiquitous…

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Laws of UX Posters
June 29, 2020

Laws of UX Series: Hick’s Law, Jakob’s Law and the Law of Common Region.

Laws of UX are a collection of design heuristics created by Jon Yablonski to help designers leverage psychology to create more human-centered experiences. You can…

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June 26, 2020, CallRail and Mockingbird sit down to talk legal conversion….

Yesterday, I got together with two long term Mockingbird partners, and CallRail to discuss the practice of maximizing conversions, the reporting infrastructure required to…

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Google Ads
June 18, 2020

Google Begins Rolling Out COVID-19 Relief Ad Credits. Here’s How to Check If You Got Them.

Back in March, Google announced plans to provide advertising credits to small and medium-sized businesses that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This week,…

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June 16, 2020

The Chasm Between BLM and Lawyers: Part I

During this 50 minute conversation, I sit down virtually with two lawyers who are intimately involved in social justice in Minneapolis. Travis Kowitz is white…

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June 15, 2020

Google Ads Policy Change has Legal Squarely in Mind?

Hot off the Google notifications press...Google is updating their Ads Policies policies specifically to move against Clickbait. This seems consistent with their overall messaging around…

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June 10, 2020

Lawyers and Cops and BLM and Branding

This started as my musings around police as a brand, but quickly begged the question: why is the lawyer brand so tarnished even in light…

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