Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is an essential tool that all law firms should consider. When done right, PPC effectively delivers a constant stream of high-quality leads with a low cost-per-conversion. As search result pages evolve, there’s a continued focus on advertising, and while SEO is still important, PPC is where the true opportunity lies to grow your law firm.
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Search Engine Optimization
White hat to a fault, Mockingbird does search engine optimization the right way. Beyond the basics, we can help with penalty assessment and recovery, negative SEO recovery, and more.
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Web Design & Development
From the front-end design to the back-end development, investing in a well built site can increase your prominence and help turn visitors into clients.
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Business Reporting
Reporting and infrastructure are what differentiates marketing spends from actual strategies. Accurately measuring results allows you to make intelligent decisions across all your marketing channels.
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