Your social feeds are probably crammed with ads from legal internet marketing “experts” that use FOMO to sell. They are also full of empty promises. But let me start with the punchline: legal marketing isn’t easy. Success requires hard work, significant investments, a touch of luck and a well oiled intake machine.
The formula for these ads is very simple:
- Promises of riches – frequently uses “7 or 8-figure practice” verbiage.
- Missing Out – Your competitors are already winning at this game.
- “It’s Simple” Messaging – “follow these 4 steps”, “cut and paste”.
- Proprietary – the “it’s simple” often oblique references a Shiny Tech Object (SHITO?) or a “secret”.
This type of adverting pulls on the base psychological premise: fear of missing out (FOMO). “You are missing out on easy money your competitors enjoy because you don’t know my simple secrets.” And if you see these messages enough, subconsciously the messaging enters your brain and becomes part of your internal dialogue. Think this doesn’t work? Just go back to the last election season to see the ease of manipulating reality through highly targeted, and scientifically optimized messaging. Or read more on FOMO marketing here. These ads are scientifically designed to get you to click through, perhaps submit your email address…turning you into another line item in a marketer’s database.
But the truth is, it’s hard. There aren’t simple steps, there’s no easy solution, and the competition is getting worse, not better. Since I got into the internet marketing game back in 2006, I’ve never seen the market so competitive – there are more lawyers chasing SEO, bidding on keywords, faking offices, pushing out engaging video content and building fans on TikTok (hi Kelly!). If you think its simple, boy do I have an email drip campaign for you to sign up for.
FOMO Examples
Want to learn when you are being FOMO’d? I’ve pulled a few examples to help acquaint you with this genre of advertising so you recognize them when they cross your path on Facebook, Instagram, and even TV….
This one is classic – 1)secrets 2)7-figures, 3)it’s simple 4)others are doing it.

You too, can be like Eddie, quaffing oversized drinks with your girlfriend and traveling the world, if you just knew about New Technology (3D Legal Advertising!!!!) that generates more cases than SEO, PPC and Lead Gen combined! (Except of course, Eddie was never a lawyer, but don’t let those little details creep into your mind….).

And here’s a guy claiming that over 30% of his clients (that he landed with nothing more than powerpoint) have written a perfect, 5 star review. Really? Along with the ultimate sad lawyer FOMO imagery… 
In this instance, the “Big Bang” of the legal industry is just three simple steps followed by 164 other attorneys (did I mention you are missing out?)

Some more promises with an unmentioned new client AI technology that strangely didn’t even exist in 2020, but simultaneously was perfected over the past year. Math anyone?

Here you go lawyers… copy and paste our secret and get on your way to an 8 figure law firm….

UPDATE: Just got this new one…. you too could be lounging on a boat with this simple, two step strategy!