Mockingbird executes on SEO best practices to help our clients succeed. We combine these tried and true methods with cutting edge techniques to keep up with the web’s ever changing nature. Below are examples of projects we’ve worked on that generated tremendous results. Read on to see how law firms across the country achieved measurable, meaningful results from engaging with us:
Speed Impact of Chat Systems (Virtual Assistants)
PR Link Building During COVID-19
Impact of Coronavirus on Website Traffic and Leads
Impact of Coronavirus on Website Traffic and Leads Part II
Impact of Coronavirus on Website Traffic III
Impact of Coronavirus on Website Traffic IV
Impact of Coronavirus on Website Traffic part V
Google Search Console Warnings
Google Ads vs Microsoft Advertising
Selecting the Right GMB Category
Local Optimization (NAP Cleanup)
Marketing Mix Shift from PPC to SEO
Content Development and Strategic Link Building
Site Rebuild and Content Consolidation
Site Speed: Embedded Videos vs. Uploaded Videos
Generic vs. Specific Newsletter Subject Lines
Organic Traffic After Two Years of SEO
TV Advertising Drives Branded Search
More Top Results
We don’t go into the details of who are clients are – and you won’t find our logo thumbtacked into the footer of every page – because your website is to market your law firm, not your agency. We keep our client list close to the vest, simply because we believe we are the best in the business and there’s no need to provide our clients’ competitors with a roadmap to their success.
But, we’re happy to share the results we’ve returned for those clients who have been with us for the long run. Based on a study we conducted for the American Bar Association – every 100 SEO sessions generates 3-4 inbound inquiries – so these results are game changers for our clients’ business.
Large Firm in 4 Major Cities
Mockingbird’s second client with whom we started essentially from scratch. Has now expanded offices into four major metros across the west coast.
Large PI Firm in Large City
Large established firm with minimal web presence prior to our engagement. Starting late 2014, we upgraded their website platform to WordPress and have engaged in ongoing aggressive content marketing.
Solo Immigration Lawyer
This small firm in a large tech savvy city had inconsequential traffic, prior to our taking over his site in the second half of 2015.
Recovery From Negative SEO Attack
This site was hit by a negative SEO attack towards the end of 2014. We not only recovered from the ensuing penalty, but continued linkbuilding and content marketing are roughly doubling traffic annually. Detailed Case Study here.
Small 2 Person PI Firm in 3 Rural Markets
Note slow growth after we took over in 2015 skyrocketed in 2016.
Criminal Defense Firm in Secondary City
Long standing client – we believe the algo updates have finally caught up with the best practices implemented here – driving a 4x increase in search traffic.
Boutique PI Firm In Large City
We’ve done nothing but linkbuilding starting in April. Results are showing slow steady growth – doubling traffic that was formerly flat, since we engaged.
Sometimes you need to call in the cavalry – to capitalize on a time sensitive opportunity or respond immediately when it hits the fan. When the unanticipated strikes, Mockingbird has the resources, creativity and sense of urgency to drop everything and come up with a solution.
Front Desk Disaster
One of our larger clients recently filed a class action claim against a large restaurant chain. They pushed out a blog post and were inundated with website traffic from potential claimants, from search engines and social media, as the news went viral. Their front desk was quickly inundated, unable to keep pace with the calls. Mockingbird quickly replaced the firm’s phone number in the header on the single page (not as easy as it sounds) responsible for all the traffic – routing the calls to a third party call center. The client signed hundreds of cases without disrupting their typical day-to-day work.
Are you ready for a traffic explosion?

Mass Torts Prescience
Just like Wayne Gretzky skating to where the puck is going to be – smart Mass Torts lawyers get the drop on upcoming opportunities before the news hits. When a client anticipated an upcoming mass tort matter, Mockingbird deployed a highly targeted website in less than 24 hours, complete with accompanying advertising campaign. And when the news hit two days later, our client was positioned to capture advertising traffic well before the rest of the market jumped in, driving PPC prices sky high.
Site Down
A Mockingbird Account Executive’s phone alerted on a Sunday at the golf course. A client’s site had gone down and no one knew why. Ten phone calls, four vendors and two of our people on the case and we tracked down the culprit to a domain registrar reseller who had dropped the ball. The site went back within hours – even though it was a weekend. This was a classic case of one of our 10 Commandments:
#10: It may not be our fault, but it is still our problem.