Why I Started Atticus Marketing

Atticus Marketing - Online Search Marketing for LawyersWhen I left Avvo to run Urbanspoon’s marketing in 2011, I thought I was saying goodbye to the legal profession forever.  Instead, I found myself tugged back by attorneys looking for search help who I couldn’t work with while at Avvo.  What started out as occasional free SEO advice grew into moonlighting consulting gigs.  Working with these firms exposed me to the gross overbilling and outdated, ineffective and self-serving tactics employed by (some) legal industry marketing agencies.  I was now experiencing first hand the anecdotes I heard about during my days at Avvo.

Eventually I decided it was time to leave restaurants behind and go full time with Atticus Marketing with the following guiding principles:

  • Value – We deliver value NOT hours.  Value = traffic growth.
  • Transparency – We deliver good and bad news to our clients.
  • Targeted – We only work with clients we can cost effectively help.
  • Persistence – We create value that persists should the client choose to disengage.

Over the past year, I refined a process and set of tactics that are cost effective in driving traffic improvements for my moonlighting clients. This experience guided the development of a product called Simple Search to help a very specific subset of the legal market. Simple Search delivers a targeted, quantifiable improvement in website traffic at a regular, predictable cost and is designed for:

  • Small to medium, consumer facing firms.
  • Moderately competitive markets (by practice area and geography).
  • Firms who would rather work with clients than work with Google.


It’s nice to be back.

Outsourced VP of Marketing

Isn’t it time your law firm had a Vice President of Marketing?

Your marketing spend is currently managed by one of your attorneys, or perhaps the front desk person who took an interest in the website.  The budget is enough to cover a full time attorney salary, yet you don’t know if the money is being spent wisely. You’ve tried lots of different marketing vendors but still can’t tell which ones are worth it.  You know there’s a better way to justify these decisions than the salesperson’s refrain: “if you get just one client, it will pay for itself . . .  ”

Atticus delivers a part time, lower cost VP of Marketing to maximize the return on your marketing investment.

Through the implementation of strict controls, we constantly monitor cost effectiveness across all of your paid marketing channels.  We develop the business metrics – cost per lead, cost per qualified lead and cost per contract – to hold your vendors accountable for their performance.  This data is used to shift your spend to most cost effective channels – delivering more clients at the same (or even reduced) spend.