Worried about a large number of inaccurate business listings across the web? Mockingbird can help!
Outdated information and inconsistent listings can be frustrating. More importantly, discrepancies in your business’ name, address, and phone number (collectively referred to as NAP) can create confusion for search engines and diminish your likelihood of showing up in the results.
NAP Consistency Matters
NAP consistency is a key component in local SEO and worth prioritizing as part of your online marketing mix. Making sure the basic information about your business is accurate and available for anyone looking is essential if you want to be successful.
In addition to providing you with the tools and expertise to resolve any issues in your existing directory listings, Mockingbird will work with you to develop a Local SEO strategy that will increase visibility, inquiries, and most importantly, new clients.
Contact Mockingbird today for information about directory cleanup, local SEO, or a more comprehensive online marketing plan.