SEO Traffic Generates 1 call per 30 visitors
This is a review of a Benchmarking study I conducted for the American Bar Association quantifies the question:
How much business does SEO generate?
This has been an oft disputed theory – although frankly I’ve never understood the dispute – but there are certainly factions within the legal online marketspace who argue vociferously that SEO traffic should not be a law firm’s objective. And we’ve certainly seen many examples of low quality traffic; however, my personal thoughts echo SEO audit superstar, Alan Bleiwiess who commented on this issue:
Wait. Who says traffic from search doesn’t lead to sales? I need to meet such people. If for no other reason, than to laugh. Uncontrollably. In their faces.
So instead of letting theories clash (and to see if Alan is right)… I thought I’d actually look into the data. Turns out, SEO traffic generates inbound phone calls at a pretty consistent and strong rate. Utilizing call tracking software and and only counting first time callers we found:
SEO generates 3.35 calls for every 100 visitors.
Granted its a small sample size – and these are mostly long standing clients of mine – so they are well taken care of from an online marketing perspective (yes, I’m biased). For the most part, we’ve pruned out garbage content; focused traffic on local traffic instead of global traffic and heavily invested in high converting terms from a content perspective. You will note, from the graph above, there still is a wide array of success here – from about 1 call/100 session to 6 calls/100 sessions. (And yes – we are digging deep into each of these firms to understand what those differences are – but that’s a study I’m keeping just for my own clients.) We also found, those firms in the study who were PI firms – that average rose to 4.5. And if you really want to nerd out and go back to your graduate stats course – the correlation coefficient between the two was .70.
Now of course, not all of these inbound inquiries are prospective clients – it may very well be someone’s spouse looking up his wife’s number to coordinate picking up the kids from soccer – or more frequently a PPC salesperson prospecting for clients. BUT…. overall there is a clear and solid line between search traffic and prospects.
You can read more on the study in the ABA Journal or see the stats behind the study here.
Cool sample size anyway, thanks for showing some numbers.
I have been looking for some statistics to show my customers. We have an sEO/Lead Generation company and work with a lot of folks that always ask me a question of, “how much can you produce?” I appreciate you putting this down. We have yet to calculate ours conversion for each site, but I am glad I have a go-by now. I appreciate you putting this down.