Questions your AdWords Agency Doesn’t Want you To Ask
Over the years, I’ve written a variety of posts to help law firms separate the SEO wheat from the chaff here here and here. It seems the same level of either gross ineptitude or deliberate opportunism has firmly planted itself in the AdWords world as well. So I bring you, four very uncomfortable questions you should ask your current or prospective AdWords agency.
- Access – Do you have access to your AdWords account? We provide our clients with Admin level access to their AdWords accounts. If you don’t even have read access to your account, what is your agency hiding? My perspective is that it is YOUR account, we get to work on it, not the other way around. Without access, this means that if clients leave their agency – they have to start all over again – this is a great model for the agency, but horrendous for the law firm.
- Reporting – Does your AdWords accurately track all types of conversions through sophisticated reporting infrastructure to get granular on conversions – phone, form, chat and even text messaging. This means you can dial in to the actual keyword, or ad within an A/B test to tell you what’s working.
- Payment Transparency – we are crystal clear with what % of our spend goes to Google and what goes to us…. Ask you agency the same question and see just how straightforward they are with your dollars.
- Exclusivity – I don’t believe we can effectively (or ethically) advertise on the same Channel (AdWords) for two different clients in the same market at the same time.
And note, I’m not getting all high and mighty suggesting you should only hire a Google Premier Partner. There are a (sprinkling) of solid AdWords agency’s not in Google’s program, BUT they are few and far between.