Result: 17% Increase in SEO Traffic
Investment: $8,500
Client: Large midwest firm, with a wide array of practice areas.
A law firm in the midwest filed a class action lawsuit, representing servers of a large, nationwide restaurant chain regarding discrepancies in the way tips are handled. The firm launched a simple page outlining the issues of the case and who it impacted on their primary website. Utilizing the advanced targeting capabilities of social media advertising (specifically Facebook) – class members were identified and received highly specific advertising – resulting in thousands of sign-ups. You can see that traffic reflected in the first graph below.
A public relations campaign combined with social media outreach generated widespread coverage, including a smattering of high quality inbound links. Those links generated an immediate and persistent 17% increase in search traffic – viewed as a subtle increase from 670 weekly search sessions to 780 weekly search sessions in the second graph below.
Note the subtle increase in organic traffic (bottom graph) coincides with the traffic from the outreach campaign (top graph):