The Result
Conversion rate has gone up 26%
Average page load time decreased 28%
The Investment
$23,500 Website Redesign
The Client
Choquette Law Group – Seattle, Washington Immigration Attorney
The Problem
Choquette Law Group’s website was extremely outdated and was hard to navigate on mobile. The overall brand felt stagnant and the firm’s value proposition wasn’t reflected clearly or effectively. It was time to grow Choquette Law Group and this firm needed a new design to accelerate the growth.
The Solution
We dove into analytics and found data on his current users and website activity.
We did a market analysis of the local competitors.
Ran an inventory on current website content.
Establish what to keep and what to remove.
Work out user flow through content to help the user find what they need.
Re-structured site site map.
Create wireframes of user flows interacting with content.
Bring the wireframes to life with branded design.
Bring the new design to life on a custom built WordPress Solution.
QA and test the website from mobile to desktop. IE to Chrome.
The Breakdown: Conversions
Conversion rate since launch of August 14th to Oct 31st.
The Breakdown: Conversion Details
Below are the conversions broken down since the website launch. Blue represents three months prior to launch while orange is three months after launch.
Total Conversions
Form Fills
Phone Calls
Mobile conversions up 55% overall
The Breakdown: Site Speed
Average site speed went from 4.06s to 2.9s. Almost 29% percent increase in site speed.