Avvo Accidentally Emails Thousands of Lawyers with Cancellation
This just in: Avvo seems to have accidentally emailed thousands of lawyers with a cancellation of advertising services email. The problem… seems that these are going out to non-advertisers (if not their entire database) as well.
Subject Line: Your advertising contract with Avvo is about to be canceled.
Your advertising contract with Avvo is scheduled to be cancelled. We are sorry to see you go. Before we part ways, we would like to know what we could have done to keep your business.
Take a moment to answer this 5-question survey so we can understand how to improve our products and services.
We will send you a $5 Starbucks gift card as a token of our appreciation.
The cynic could suggest that this is just a smarmy, albeit desperate sales tactic to drive inbound conversations with the Avvo sales staff (and more than a few on Solosez have.) However – I suspect this is really a genuine mistake; although it won’t do much to engender any more goodwill for the online directory. The sheer volume of the emails (and time of day) makes it unlikely that this is a desperate attempt to have lawyers call into Avvo. Having said that, I’m pretty sure Julie Clarkson never would have let this happen!
(Of course, it would be funny if everyone “took” the survey to get the $5 Starbucks gift card…. just sayin.)
UPDATE: I asked the Avvo marketing peoples to weigh in….
The email attorneys received from Avvo earlier this morning was sent in error; please disregard it. We apologize for any confusion.